Today was a mid morning start. We were able to get a coffee and toast for breakfast at the hostel, which was a nice way to start the day, having it included in our visit. I wouldn’t say it was the biggest or best breakfast we’ve ever had, but it was worth waiting for. It was time to head to the Hague. This is the capital of the EU, and is one of the coastal countries along the northern mainland. The train ride was about an hour to get to the city. The overall day had no real guidance except to see the downtown area of the country/ city.
The train station of the city is quite far from the downtown area….almost 2 miles. We still decided to head to the coast by walking. This was a good idea to save 5 EU for a bus transfer and we were able to walk pass the palace, and see where Coldplay filmed their second video to Viva la vida (my favorite song). This palace was inaccessible as I believe statesmen were on premise, but you cold see from outside the gate how nice of a place it was.

The city itself is set on the coast, and our only goal was to get to the coast and walk the beach, then explore the buildings. Along the way we stopped for subway (mid morning breakfast/ early lunch). This was a nice stop after our long walk to the beach. The coast was pure sand, without any rocks and was very powdery. This beach was very brown and nice to walk on. We noticed in the distance there was a casino/ hotel that looked quite fancy, and we decided to explore that. We decided to have a beer there overlooking the beach. This was a great experience and there was even a piano inside where I almost snuck on to play!

It was time to head back to Amsterdam as we realized this city was not as exciting or historic as we had imagined. Though it was lovely we decided to head back to Amsterdam to get ready for the next day and do some exploring there. This put us back into the city around 4pm and we decided to check out a couple more large cathedrals we had not done yet. This was a great way to explore the last bit of amsterdam. It was time for dinner and we decided to split a burger, with a dessert. After having that and a beer it was time to head to sleep.
Now, the most interesting part of the day, and actually perhaps the trip was Ashlee asking me if I wanted to partake in the sultry activity Amsterdam is renowned for….a prostitute. I hesitated but she was entirely serious. I decided to go with it, and in the morning time when it was the to go to the train station, she seemed fine and we went to Hamburg. Nonetheless I made it home safe after the night time (explain), and went to sleep to get ready fro tomorrow morning.
(from Amsterdam 5:15-6:23 RE 4606)
Old town district
(from the Hague return 2:03-2:55 IC 2251)
Bake and go to train
See more Amsterdam
19.24 hotel fees
5.30 coffee and pastry
2.80 coffee
6 for locks
8.50 weed and coffee
6.40 dunkin donuts
13 ramen lunch
5 weed
6 beers
9.80 pizza
7 beer
14.60 amsterdam burger
6 dessert water
7.50 beer
Total – 117.14 (34.74 + 90.49= 125.23 over)