Today was the beginning of the second quarter of this trip, or at least in my mind, the beginning of such a proportion to this amazing adventure. We woke up in Amsterdam around 5:30 to get to the train stop by 6:30, which inevitably would lead us to Hamburg by mid morning. Hamburg is a large German Metropolis off the northern coast of Germany, and is considered its largest port town. It took large and extensive amount of artillery fire, and bombings through World War 2, and remnants of such casualties still exist, and serve as a reminder of this fiery past.

The first stop of the day, was to get our luggage to the hotel for the evening. WE were to stay at a small bed and breakfast near the train station, yet this was still about a half mile walk. We were able to walk past a few government buildings and churches but did not have the ability to explore them at the moment, due to the fact they did not allow bags in some of the establishments. Ashley and I found our hotel, and was able to get our bags put away before noon. we decided to head toward the coast/ port area, and explore.

Hamburg was not a huge part of our exploration during this trip, yet we still wanted to feel as though our time was worth it. Thus, instead of spending hours running around the city, we decided to find a few park areas in the metro part of the city, and enjoy a couple beers, and lunch items. Overall this city is very commercial, outside of the historical section, and one could tell that its primary benefit to Germany was for its port.

Towards the later afternoon, Ashley was not feeling well, and decided to head back to the hotel to rest. Of course m being who I am decided to go out for about 2 more hours to do some solo exploring. I was able to find a nice park along the water, and enjoy an evening sunset with a beer by myself, and get my head, and the trip ready to head south through Germany, forecasting a whole new set of adventures within the next few weeks. Hamburg was a great city, and to be completely upfront, I could have spent a couple more days exploring there, but since it was not the biggest, or most exciting city on our list, we decided to take this day as a relaxing day, ro regroup, and clean for the next stop.
2.10 coffee
3.90 coffee pastry
2.45 coffee
6 euro beer
8.40 beer
8 beer
4 beer
3.20 train
1.80 beer
Total =39.85
St. Nicholas church
Townhall, Rathausmarkt
St. Michaels church
st Pauli Elbtunnel
Planten un Blomen
-Beatles monument near hotel
HOTEL: a/o Hamburg Reeperbahn CONFIRMED 148016624350 62.53
TRAIN- July 20 (5:02-10:14 IC 245,IC208)