This morning was not to be rushed. Even though we were up early after a long night we decided that it was not a long drive to central Michigan to see my friends Dave and Cheryl. These were friends from the golf club who were at their summer house near …. Michigan.
Our only goal this morning was to get coffee and hit the road. Thank goodness at least Motel 6 had coffee before we stopped for breakfast at Mcdonalds. Upon exiting the downtown area of Chicago, we eventually made it through one of our only area of the day with seeing, the Indiance dunes National Seashore. The interstate runs along this, and it is easy to see the coastline while driving, and since we were fine with observing this way, we headed onward without stopping as there didn’t seem to be much to do except walk on sand. Granted it was beautiful but that one was are aI could cross off the bucket list without much effort getting to.

Without describing the drive (since it was uneventful), we eventually made it to my friend house and it was nice to once again have a home environment to visit. One thing that was nice about his however was that it was one a lake, and it was absolutely beautiful. He also happened to have two jet skis of which he let me and Ashley run around on in the lake, after a boat ride. In all honesty I won’t bore you with how much fun we had, but the rest of the day was filled with steaks and drinks and laughs. honestly by the end of the night we were so hammered having fun that I hardly remember the entire night. So I guess you can say it was a successful day! WE ended the night in the hot tub outside and a cigar. Truly and amazing time for a friend who offered for us to come by and see them. Off to the north tomorrow.
8.73 Mcdonalds
14.22 gas
4.23 snacks
23 beer
Total – 50.18