Coming into this city, after leaving Montreal, only took about an hour. This city is known for its french/ European flare in the Americas, and even for its incredible food. It is located along the St Lawrence RIver, such as Montreal, and Ottawa! This city is relatively small compared to the others, but the sites to explore are so charming you can spend a week here seeing the unique buildings, restaurants, and bars.
We of course started with Tim hortons coffee, but decided against the donuts today. Our hotel for the evening was located in the city so we had another convenient setup for the night. Though we were to explore all day, we only had a few things to cross off the list. Upon parking in the downtown area, we were able to explore the government buildings, and take a short walk to the precipice of the city. Arguably the most iconic emblem of this city is the Chateau Frontanac, which is the fairmont hotel in the city. The fairmont has many great properties we had seen this trip, but I would say this one is my favorite. The others would be the Banff springs fairmont, and the Victoria Fairmont as well.

The square around the area gives the pedestrians gorgeous sweeping views of the St Lawrence River and Quebec in General. This is no doubt one of the best views in Canada. It was about time for lunch however, and with the old town district under our feet, we decided too stop at a local restaurant in the old town area. This was a wonderful lunch, where we had wine and pizza, since it was filling and alcoholic. After exploring a bunch of shops we headed to the car to head down to the famed Montmorency falls.

The walk to the car was enjoyable and we were able to get some great shots of the government buildings. The architecture was very reminiscent of France, very pleasant. Unfortunately many of the buildings were under construction, so we could not go inside.

This required us to drive about 15 minutes, and it was actually about 5 miles from the city center. We barely made it out of the parking garage, since the parking was so tight. Either way the parking at Monmorcy was 12$ and it allowed us to take the hiking trail over the bridge to cross the river and falls to get to the overlook. The overlook took about a 15 minute walk and gave us the best view of the waterfall. This is a massive waterfall that is featured in almost any advertisement of the city of Quebec. I highly recommend checking this area out.

It was time to get rest for the next day, and since we had spent quite a bit in the last two days, we decided to eat in tonight at the hotel, and then relax without having to cook or stay out too late. We had a long drive ahead of us tomorrow so we took our overnight nap, and were refreshed to hit the ground running the next day!
24 parking
2 coffee
19.47 gas
105.78 hotel
26.04 lunch
11.84 parking
12.15 montmorcy falls
20 cash ashely
9.60 grocery
5.60 snacks at gas station
Total – 236.48